The following are the current COVID-19 policies and proced
- FCC Covid Policy (pdf last updated September 2021)
- WA State Department of Health Immunization Manual for Schools, Preschools, and Child Care Facilities ( , (pdf last updated June 2021)
COVID Update: from the Public Health—Seattle & King County Child Care Sector Email, June 2nd. 0098e5
Updated Mask Guidance from Public Health
Background: On May 13, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced new guidance, Governor Jay Inslee and the Washington State Department of Health adopted this masking guidance for those who are fully vaccinated. On May 20th, PHSKC issued a Directive for King County strongly urging all residents, fully vaccinated or not, to continue wearing face masks in public indoor settings.
What does this mean for child care?
- Washington state continues to require everyone age five and older in schools and child care settings to wear a well-fitted mask.
- Child care providers and children 5 and older need to continue to wear masks to protect against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Masks continue to be strongly encouraged for children 2-4 years of age with adult supervision.
- CDC guidance for child cares states, “Even after child care providers and staff are vaccinated, there will be a need to continue prevention measures for the foreseeable future including wearing masks, physical distancing, and other important prevention strategies.”
How does this affect FCC?
- FCC teachers and students will continue to wear masks while in attendance at the center
- We are encouraging all teachers and parents to be vaccinated
- The Parent Advisory Board is reviewing our FCC travel policy for possible updates in July
Summary of Important COVID Policies
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- Children will be dropped off and picked up outside of classrooms. For younger classes, please sign your child in and out at the table inside the main hallway doors. For the school aged classes, please sign your children in and out using the table and QR code nearest your classroom.
- Please sign children in and out using the Brightwheel App. When picking up children from the playground use the QR Code attached to the light pole (for children on playgrounds by the parking lot) or presented to you by your child’s classroom teacher. FCC teachers CANNOT sign your child(ren) out as we are not responsible for our children when they leave our premises.
- Parents should wear cloth masks at drop off and pick up.
FCC is asking families to be aware of CDC travel guidelines during the COVID pandemic, if traveling outside of WA State we ask that all children be COVID tested 3-5 days after returning home and present a negative test result before rejoining their classes.
Social Distancing
- Classes will stay together throughout the day. We will not combine groups at opening and closing.
- Teachers and all children are required to wear a mask throughout the day
Teachers will:
- Increase the distance between children during table work.
- Plan many activities that do not need close physical contact.
- Reduce time standing in lines.
- Go outside more often.
- Increase space between nap mats, up to 3 feet where possible. (updated 5/21 on guidance change from CDC & King County Health)
- Open windows often to allow for more fresh air to enter the program space.
Outside Play
- FCC has divided its playground into several areas with temporary barriers.
- Classes will have an assigned area where they will play within their classroom that changes throughout the week.
- Children and adults will always wash hands right after outdoor play time.
- Children will clean their hands with a wet wipe and then use hand sanitizer before eating outside.
- Staff will clean, sanitize and disinfect any item that a child coughs or sneezes on, puts near their mouth, or otherwise potentially infects with bodily fluids using the three-step process described later in this policy.
Meals and Snack Time
- Teachers will space children as far apart as they can at the table.
- Teachers will clean and sanitize tables before and after each group eats as usual, using the three-step cleaning process (Clean with soap water, rinse, disinfect with bleach solution left sitting on surface for 1 minute)
- Family style meal service will be temporarily suspended. Teachers will handle utensils and serve food.
- Children will wash their hands before serving themselves water
I know this is a great deal to absorb. We are in this together. If you have ideas for us, please let us know. Thank you. Stay healthy. Keep smiling. Even with a mask your eyes still smile.